Which Coding Language to Learn First?

Which coding language to learn first

Choosing a programming language is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a coder. It will impact the kind of projects you want to work on, who you’ll want to work for, and how easy it will be to learn.

First, ask yourself why you’re learning coding. Are you doing it as a hobby, or are you looking to build something specific?


Java is a popular language used in many industries to create software applications. It is a versatile programming language that is used in everything from computer games to business applications.

Since its release in 1995, Java has grown into a platform that powers much of the world’s digital infrastructure, including laptops, data centres, game consoles, scientific supercomputers, and cell phones. Java is also a secure, robust, and versatile computing platform that’s future-proof.

To learn a programming language like Java, you can read a lot of books about it and try to practice coding as much as possible. But you should never forget that theory is only the first step of learning a new thing; practice is what makes you an expert!

There are numerous resources online to help you get started. One of the most effective is StackOverflow, where there are an abundance of developers ready to help you solve any coding issue. It’s also a great way to start networking with other Java programmers and learners.


Python is an open-source programming language that’s used in a wide variety of applications, from software development to data science and automation. It’s also used by major organizations, such as Netflix.

It’s a popular choice among developers for many reasons, including its simplicity and the fact that it’s easy to learn. It has a few keywords, a simple structure, and a clearly defined syntax.

A broad standard library helps you complete your projects faster. It also features a number of modules and functions that can help you build complex systems.

Learning Python is a process that takes time and commitment, so don’t expect to master it overnight. It can take months or years, depending on your previous coding experience and how much time you’re willing to dedicate to it.


If you’re looking for a programming language that’s easy to learn and understand, Kotlin is an excellent choice. It’s an open source language that’s highly compatible with Java and offers a number of advanced features.

It’s also a multiplatform language that supports different platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows and macOS. This makes it an ideal choice for web and mobile development.

Compared to other languages, Kotlin is more flexible and easier to learn. It offers a clear syntax and allows developers to write code that is more readable and efficient.

To learn Kotlin, it’s best to work on projects that require you to use the language’s key concepts. Developing a simple calculator application using the language is an excellent way to practice your skills.


C# is a popular programming language that is widely used for web and desktop applications. It is also commonly used for game development, and is the primary language of the Unity engine.

In addition to being a powerful and versatile language, C# offers a number of features that make it easier to develop software. These include static coding, extensive memory banks, and easy-to-maintain and scalable code.

As a result, many developers prefer C# to other languages because of its simplicity and ease of use. This makes it a great choice for beginners and those who want to learn a new coding language.